Thursday 17 November 2011

10 Reasons to Take Good Care of a Father

Frankly, if all new mothers made a serious effort to stay emotionally and affectionately connected with the father, and if all new fathers made a serious effort to understand what the mother is going through and be a strong teammate in making a family together, many domestic problems can be cut to half.
1. He's a person Every human being deserves a chance to be happy and healty (DON'T always use this as a defence againts your wives, husbands!)
2. He does real work Most fathers step up their efforts to be a provider when kids come along. Plus the typical dad today is doing more housework and childcare than his own father did. Any kind of demanding work calls for respect and replenishment. So, give your man a pat on the shoulder for being an awesome dad!
3. He contribute to others Every day, for twenty years or more, engaged fathers help make a family for innocent and precious children. Their giving gives them moral standing, and a valid claim on the respect and support of their partner and society as a whole.
4. The workplace isn't very friendly to men who put their family first While it's certainly hard for women to juggle home and work, men who stick up for their role as fathers often get even less understanding on the job than mothers do.
5 It's good for the children Afather's well-being affects his children in a thousand ways, and shape the course of their entire lives. Avital way to take good care of children is to take good care of their fathers.
6. It's good for mother Fathers who are happy in their marriage are usually more empathic, helpful, and loving with their wife. Keep em' happy, ladies!
7. It's good for the mariagge Fathers who feel cared about, litsened to, seen and valued as a lover and mate, respected and appreciated, and - honestly - sexually satisfied are much more likely to stay married than those who do not. Beside the rewards for children and their parents, lasting marriages benefit society in many ways, such as bringing stability to communities and fastering respect for family.
8. It help the economy Family and marital problems stress fathers and lead to physical and mental illnesses that increase the nation's medical costs and decrease workforce productivity.
9. It's good for society Aculture that takes a stand for families by respecting and supporting the fathers as well as the mothers at their centre will be more humane and decent for everyone.
10. It's good in itself Being compassionate, considerate, and generous with a father feels good in its own right. So, love thy better-half, come what may!

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